Posts tagged Trusting God
Give God Your Plans...Even When it Doesn't Make Sense

Have you ever been in the process of pursuing projects and plans that God has put on your heart only to sense that He wants you to wait?

Those moments can be confusing and even disappointing, right?

There are moments in our life when we set out on a path by our own will and determination and then realize, “Uh oh, something isn’t right here.” Or maybe you need to hit pause because unavoidable circumstances arise…other times you hear clearly from the Lord with what He wants you to do and you trust God and obey…only to find later it seems He changed His mind or is asking you to hold off, wait, focus on other things or give you a new assignment entirely.

These moments can create a tension between our soul (mind, will and emotions) and our spirit. Sometimes it causes us to question our own sanity. Sometimes it even makes us question God!

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