Journaling the Journey

I'm happy to report I've completed yet another journal this morning! Today alone I wrote 20 pages of life processing and prayer.


I've had a love for writing for as long as I can possibly remember. (I wrote about how my love for writing began in #FunFactFriday: How I Became a Writer) 

Last year as I was moving, I came across a box containing all the journals I've written. I have approximately 20 journals written cover-to-cover so far. Writing is how I process, heal, think, pray, understand, receive revelation...etc. I'm such a fan of writing I often give the gift of a journal to my friends for birthdays, life milestones, etc. Why?

Because I believe our lives are a continuation of the gospels.


Jesus is recorded in John 14:12 saying,

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

I hope to leave a written legacy for my future children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. My journals contain my life, my thoughts, my prayers, raw, real, unfiltered...that is how they will know me, intimately, deeply...and hopefully it will be a reflection of lessons learned from mistakes made, and a testimony of God's grace and glory through my life story.

Last night, we had the honor of having Erwin McManus join us for a night of worship and ministry. He recently released his newest book, "The Last Arrow." 

In his message, he spoke of his friend that encouraged him to put everything he's ever known into his first book, he admittedly was worried what would be left after he wrote the last word in the last sentence. The gift in that encouragement, he said, was the blank page at the end. He realized he needed to LIVE more in order to WRITE more.






I always get excited to begin a new journal. The blank pages are fresh and ready to receive  ink documenting my life journey. The awe and wonder of what it will contain fascinates me. I've learned to be more careful about what is written...because once documented, it's cemented in My {HIS}tory. This sometimes helps me make tough decisions as I ask, "Is this really what I want documented in my life story?" To be honest, this question is how I've come to let go of some relationships. Because when asking that question, Holy Spirit spirit confirms, "No. You must leave these pages to other things and people. Let this go so that I can give you what I intend..."

Once you hear from the Lord on a matter, you can't "un-hear" it. Surrender and obedience is a must at such point.


Think about your life as one big journal. It only contains so many pages. Your days are numbered. You have been given the gift of free will to choose how you fill the pages. Who will the main characters be? What will be the "theme?" What adventures would you like to document? What do you want to leave behind long after you're gone?


Let's Connect!

Are you a journaler? What's your favorite life chapter so far?


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